Didi Rojas
Carol Lim and Humberto Leon invited 25 American (or working-in-America) guests to a series of imaginary dinner parties. They asked them to contemplate the country now, and in the future. Didi was featured along side other artists, designers, chefs and playwrights (to name a few) who described there experience in America present and future.
Diana “Didi” Rojas, 25, artist
Describe your America
I’ve never really thought about America being mine. It’s been difficult finding a voice. Growing up, I was told not to talk about being an immigrant, to learn how to pronounce words so it didn’t sound like I had an accent. My mom, who’s Colombian, would pack these amazing school lunches for me, and I would always get really anxious. Now, I wish my accent hadn’t been removed, and that I hadn’t been ashamed of not saying my “s’s” right. When you’re little and you want to fit in, you don’t understand that there are so many other factors acting against you.