LAUNCH F18 is pleased to announce #mycasualacquaintance, a group exhibition with works by Julia Benjamin, Sam Cockrell, Omari Douglin, Erika Mahr and Mateo Nava.
Julia Benjamin studied painting at the Rhode Island School of Design and received her MFA at Columbia University in 2012. She has most recently exhibited with National Exemplar and 247365 in New York and White Flag Projects in St. Louis. Benjamin lives and works in New York.
Sam Cockrell studied painting and received his BFA in 2013 at the University of Tennessee and also received his MFA from Columbia in 2015. His works recently have been included in group exhibitions at Judith Charles Gallery, NY, FJORD Space, Philadelphia and Ewing Gallery, Knoxville. Cockrell lives and works in New York.
Erika Mahr studied at the University of Florida and received her MFA from Hunter College in 2007. Her most recent solo exhibition, "Screens and Shrouds," was presented at LAUNCH F18 in 2014. Mahr most recently has shown with A.I.R. Gallery in Brooklyn and the Center for the Arts, SUNY WCC in Whiteplains, NY. Mahr lives and works in New York and has been showing with the gallery since 2011.
Omari Douglin recently graduated from Cooper Union School of Art with his BFA in the spring of 2015. Douglin lives and works in Brooklyn, NY.
Mateo Nava is a 2017 BFA candidate at The Cooper Union School of Art in New York. Nava lives and works in New York.